Workplace chairs 11-2022

5 Treston Workplace Chairs The backrest supports the lower back; find out simultaneously the convenient angle of the backrest. The backrest supports the lower back, and the front edge of the seat does not press the lower limbs. Upper arms are close to the body, shoulders relaxed, forearms naturally. Feet are supported on the floor, and the back leans on the backrest. A forwards-tilting seat reduces the stress in lower back. How to adjust your Treston workplace chair Ergonomically sound chair is a vital part of a well-functioning, ergonomic and user-friendly workstation. Good sitting enables effective and appropriate movements, reduces postural fixity and enables good and relaxed working postures. Chair alone, however, will not improve your workplace ergonomics, you have to adjust the chair according to the person using it – adjust the chair, not the person. When taking into use your workplace chair, make sure to follow the adjustment guidelines below. ! Good sitting: • Enables effective and appropriate movements • Reduces postural fixity • Enables good and relaxed working postures Adjustments and features Treston Ergo Treston Plus Neon Stool Saddle chair Flex – standing rest Seat height ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Seat tilt ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Seat depth ✓ ✓ Backrest height ✓ ✓ ✓ Contact backrest ✓ Synchro mechanism ✓ ✓ Arm rests as an option ✓ ✓ ✓ Changeable upholstery ✓ Adjust the height of the backrest Adjust the depth of the seat Option: adjust the height and distance of the armrests Adjust the height of the seat Adjust the inclination of the seat