Main Catalog 10-2023

16 TRESTON - ERGONOMICS | ESD | LEAN This e-book will help you understand LEAN philosophy and how Treston, as a manufacturer of technical facilities and ergonomic furniture, can help you with the LEAN thinking to perfect your production processes. LEAN thinking perfects production processes Developed in the Japanese automotive industry, Lean is an operating philosophy that helps to make production smooth and efficient. Lean-based production processes and workstations are functional and task-oriented. Every item in the workstation has its own designated place, and there are no unnecessary items. When developing operations, instead of focusing on a single task or workstation, it is better to consider the big picture and identify areas where work, time or materials are wasted. In practice, Lean involves the entire process, including the overall order-supply chain. The Lean system is everything that adds value for the customer and helps put things in the right order. The goal is to eliminate anything that does not add value. When organizing workstations according to the Lean system, the first job is to identify • what is the product that is being made, • what are the customer needs, and • what is the pace at which the product needs to be manufactured. Free e-book: "LEAN thinking perfects production processes" Work smarter, not harder