Main Catalog 10-2023

7 TRESTON - ERGONOMICS | ESD | LEAN Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) affect most employees. According to European Agency for Safety and Health at Work musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the single largest occupational health hazard in Europe: up to three out of five employees report musculoskeletal symptoms. In addition, Confederation of Finnish Industries has reported that employees in the industrial sector have the most absences due to sickness, on average 16 working days per person/year. Proper ergonomics can reduce MSD-related absences and improve productivity resulting in significant annual savings. A study estimating the effectiveness of ergonomics interventions revealed that musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders were reduced 57% and absences due to MSDs reduced 72% as a result of measures that improve ergonomics. The above mentioned study on the effectiveness of ergonomics interventions concluded that productivity improved 46% through measures that improved ergonomics. Indeed there are several aspects that proper ergonomics can have a positive impact on in the long run. The benefits of proper ergonomics are both for the employer and for the employee. Why should you invest in ergonomics? • Improves employees' health and well-being • Healthy and safe working environments promote the ability to work and also have a positive effect on the ability to function during leisure time • More satisfaction for your work • Improves occupational safety and reduces sickness absences • Improves employees’ performance • Reduces occupational health care costs • Increases productivity and efficiency • Motivates and engages employees Benefits of ergonomics to the EMPLOYEE Benefits of ergonomics to the EMPLOYER