Arbeitsstühle für die Industrie von Treston


For industrial and technical working environments
Learn how to sit ergonomically!
Ergonominen työtuoli Treston Ergo on monipuolisesti säädettävä

Treston Ergo

  • A highly adjustable, ergonomic chair model for assembly work, workshops, and production areas.
  • Also available with ESD protection.
Treston Plus chair for technical and industrial working environments

Treston Plus

  • Highly ergonomic chair for offices & workstations.
  • Materials and structure meet industry requirements.
  • Available w/ ESD protection


  • A chair for workplaces in which top-of-the-class ergonomics, adjustments, and durability are required.
  • Removable padding/upholstery
Treston Flex Stehhilfe mit Fußring für technische und industrielle Arbeitsplätze

Flex sit-stand chair

  • The Treston Flex sit-stand chair reduces the pressure on the feet.
  • Anti-slip PU seat, height adjustment, rotates 360°.
  • Also ESD. 
Trestonin työjakkarat teollisuuden tarpeisiin

Work stools

  • Stools for demanding industrial conditions.
  • Withstands oil, sparks, and blows.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Also with ESD protection.
Treston satulatuolit ovat laadukkaita ja ergonomisia

Saddle chairs

  • Industrial saddle chairs with height and tilt adjustment of the seat.
  • Several upholstery options.
  • Also ESD-protected version.

Accessories for chairs

Quality Treston chairs, stools, and saddle chairs offer excellent value for money. They are suitable for production, packing, and R&D environments, as well as ESD protected areas (EPA). Appropriate chairs models are available for sit-down, stand-up, and sit-stand workstations.